Saturday, June 22, 2013


I made to Pune Yesterday and so far so good.

I am definitely missing American food already. My host family, I call them "aunty" and "uncle", are so fun to talk to. They are two very well educated people whose children are very successful in America.

The first thing I got to learn when meeting up with the group is the eating customs. Here, when eating you are to eat with your RIGHT hand, and serve with you , LEFTor vice versa.

My host family is vegetarian, and that has been the biggest change/challenge. I am used to eating meat with everything. As a substitute for meat,  Peanuts and coconuts are used. I am not that fond of the nut flavor in my food, but I am sure I will get used to it.

Today,  my roommate Angela and our buddy went shopping on Laxmi Road. it was very crowed and I had a small culture shock. But I bought some traditional clothing, and some bangals for my little sister Sugarfoot (pet name).

Tomorrow we go out with our host family to see more of Pune!

Stay Tuned!

Sunday, June 16, 2013

So today was supposed to be the day that I board the plane and start my travels, but due to the fact that my Passport (along with my visa) are still in Washington, DC...I'm still in Charleston, South Carolina.

I have rescheduled my flight for Wednesday, just so I can have breathing room for Passport to come on Monday on Tuesday, so India-- I will see you on Thursday (fingers are doubled crossed)....

In the meantime, I am spending some extra time with my family, and eating as much beef and other food custom to this area while I still have the time

Below is one of the meals I enjoyed at the beginning of the week.

Monday, June 10, 2013

Nervous Nikki---Anticipating India (T- 5 days until departure)

Over the last six months, I have been anticipating my travels to a unfamiliar territory and experiencing a little bit of anxiety about experiencing an unfamiliar culture.

Now with  less than six days left, I am really somewhat what nervous, but it could be worse...I'm not balled up in a corner clicking my feet together saying "There's no place like home."

This week alone, I find myself eating lots of beef, and other foods that are a big part of Southern culture, just because I think that certain foods will be scarce. I have no idea what it's going to be like when I get to India, but I know that I will not be comfortable, but being uncomfortable will make the experience better.

Regardless of the nervousness, I'm so excited to be stepping out of my comfort zone.